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Welcome to SHAPE—Africa

Who We Are   


The Shape of Enrichment, Inc. consists entirely of volunteers. We cannot thank these individuals enough for their dedication to The Shape of Enrichment and commitment to improving animal welfare!


The Shape of Enrichment Board and Officers


Karen Worley (President, Board Member)

Valerie Hare (Chief Financial Officer, Board Member)

David Shepherdson (Board Member)

Margaret Hawkins (Secretary)


The Shape of Enrichment Core Group


In 2006, The Shape Core Group was initiated to steer the organization in its expansion. This group consists of: Dr. Meredith Bashaw (USA), Dr. Mollie Bloomsmith (USA), Julian Chapman (UK), Holly Farmer (UK), Monika Fiby (Austria), Azlynn Hare (USA), Margaret Hawkins (Australia), Kerrie Haynes-Lovell (Australia), Robynn Ingle-Mšller (South Africa), Andras Kopacz (Romania), Dr. Vicky Melfi (UK), Dr. Joanne Osuagwuh (Morocco), Dr. Cristiane Pizzutto (Brazil), Else Poulsen (Canada), Beth Rich (USA), Matt Rich (USA), Sheila Roe (Australia), Salena Tobias (USA), and Jackson Zee (USA, China).


The Shape of Enrichment Editors


The following volunteers serve as Editorial Reviewers and/or Advisors for The Shape of Enrichment quarterly publication:

Karen Worley (Chief Editor)

Jeanette Kroshko

Dr. Kathy Carlstead

Dr. David Shepherdson

Dr. Mollie Bloomsmith

Dr. Amy Cutting

Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Vicky Melfi


In 2008, The Shape of Enrichment Facebook Page was created by Jackson Zee.

The facebook editors are:

Salena Tobias

Azlynn Hare


In 2009, The Shape of Enrichment Website underwent a major overhaul. Along with this new website, a number of content editors were added. They are:

Conference Calendar: Kylise Hare

Safety Pages: Heidi Hellmuth

Shape—International:Valerie Hare and Azlynn Hare

Shape—Regionals: Julian Chapman and Holly Farmer

Shape—Australasia: TBD

Shape—Africa:Colette Bodenstaff

Shape—Brasil: Angelica Vasconcellos, Manuela Sgai

Shape—UK-Ireland:Julian Chapman and Holly Farmer

Technical Support: Larry Hare

Video Library: Yvette Kemp

Web Architect: Randy Weeton

Web Design: Azlynn Hare


Shape/AAZK Video Librarians

The Shape of Enrichment, Inc. maintains a video enrichment and training library, co-sponsored by the American Association of Zoo Keepers. The Shape/AAZK Video Library has five libraries in the following locations, maintained by the following volunteers:

Austria (Europe and Middle East): Dr. Harald Schwammer (Vienna Zoo)

Australia (Australasia and Asia): TBD (Taronga Zoo)

Brazil (South America): Cynthia Cipreste (Belo Horizonte Zoo)

South Africa (Africa): Robynn Ingle-Mšller

United States (North America): Beth Rich and Yvette Kemp, who also oversee all satellite libraries


The Shape of Enrichment Workshops

In 2000, The Shape of Enrichment conducted its first enrichment minicourse during the Brazilian Zoo Congress in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. With the help of its current instructors, that mini-course has evolved into The Shape of Enrichment Workshop and is designed to assist animal caretakers to create and assess enrichment plans for the animals in their care.


Valerie Hare

Salena Ausonio

Mark Kingston-Jones

Cristiane Pizzutto

Beth Rich

Matt Rich

Angelica Vasconcellos

Robert Young

Jackson Zee


The Shape—Regionals


To date, there are five operating SHAPE—Regionals and 3 in development. Their chairs are:

Africa: Dr. Joanne Osuagwuh

Australasia:  Sheila Roe

Brazil: Dr. Cristiane Pizzutto

North America: Yvette Kemp

South America: Adrian Giron

Southeast Asia: Diana Marlena

Southeast Europe:  Andras Kopacz

UK/Ireland: Julian Chapman


Advisory Group Chairs

Advisory Group Chair: Dr. Vicky Melfi (U.K.)

Taxon Advisory Group:  Else Poulsen (Canada)

Education Advisory Group: Beth Rich (U.S.A.)

Behavior Advisory Group:  Dr. Vicky Melfi (U.K.)

Horticulture Advisory Group: Monika Fiby (Austria)

Construction Advisory Group:  Matt Rich (U.S.A.)

© 2006-2011 The Shape of Enrichment, Inc. Webmaster Visits this month: 1
Website Design and Implementation by Randy Weeton Website Graphic Design by Azlynn Hare