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Referencing guidelines

Referencing guidelines


Journal articles: First author's last name, initials, second author's last name, initials, etc. Year. Title of article, Name of Journal. Volume: inclusive pages (example: Plowman, A.B. 2003. A note on a modification of the spread of participation index allowing for unequal zones. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 83: 331-336.)


Books: Authors' names as above. Year. Title of Book, Publisher, City, State. Inclusive pages cited. (Example: Plowman A. B. (ed). 2003. Ecology and Conservation of Mini-antelope. Proceedings of an International Symposium on Duiker and Dwarf Antelope in Africa. Filander Verlag.)


Articles in books: Authors' names as above. Year. Title of article. In Title of Book. Last

name(s), initials and of editor(s). Publisher, City, State. Inclusive pages of article. (Example: Stevens, P.M.C.S. 2001. Paignton Zoo Environmental Park. In: Encyclopedia of the World's Zoos Vol II. Bell, C. (ed.). Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago. pp 945-949.)


Conference proceedings: Authors' names as above. Year. Title of article. Proceedings of name of conference. Place of conference. Inclusive pages of article. (Example: Gilchrist, E., Melfi, V.A. and Clarke, F. 2005. Can environmental enrichment compensate for not providing carcasses or live prey? Proceedings of the 7th Annual Symposium on Zoo Research. BIAZA/Twycross Zoo. pp. 188-191.)


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