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Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Enrichment


The Shape of Enrichment, Inc. has published the proceedings for the 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2007 ICEE conferences. Ordering information for these and other ICEE proceedings is provided below.




8th ICEE Conference - Vienna, 2007


The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment is available ONLY from The Shape of Enrichment. This 340-page proceedings is available both in hardcopy and pdf formats.


The cost for each hardcopy is $45. Orders for delivery to addresses outside the United States, please add $12 for airmail shipping ($57 total) for each proceedings ordered. Prepayment is required.


The cost for each digital copy is $15 for downloadable and $20 for a CD for US delivery or $25 for priority overseas delivery; both include shipping. Prepayment is required.





7th ICEE Conference - New York City, 2005


The Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Environmental Enrichment is available ONLY from The Shape of Enrichment. This 360-page proceedings is available both in hardcopy and pdf formats.


The cost for each hardcopy is $45. Orders for delivery to addresses outside the United States, please add $12 for airmail shipping ($57 total) for each proceedings ordered. Prepayment is required.


The cost for each digital copy is $15 for downloadable and $20 for a CD for US delivery or $25 for priority overseas delivery; both include shipping. Prepayment is required.




oftware: Microsoft Office


6th ICEE Conference - Johannesburg, 2003


The 6th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2-6 November, 2003, hosted by the Johannesburg Zoo.


Due to the loss of many of the submitted papers and posters, there will be no proceedings published for this conference.


Select papers and posters may be published in a 2009 issue(s) of The Shape of Enrichment.



5th ICEE Conference - Sydney, 2001


The Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment is available ONLY from The Shape of Enrichment. This 380-page proceedings is available both in hardcopy and pdf formats.


The cost for each hardcopy is $35. Orders for delivery to addresses outside the United States, please add $12 for airmail shipping ($47 total) for each proceedings ordered. Prepayment is required.


The cost for each digital copy is $15 for downloadable and $20 for a CD for US delivery or $25 for priority overseas delivery; both include shipping. Prepayment is required.





4th ICEE Conference - Edinburgh, 1999


The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment available ONLY from The Shape of Enrichment. The 370-page proceedings contains 38 articles and 13 poster sessions on the theory and application of enrichment.


The cost for each hardcopy is $35. Orders for delivery to addresses outside the United States, please add $12 for airmail shipping ($57 total) for each proceedings ordered. Prepayment is required.


This proceedings is not available in digital format at this time.




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3rd ICEE Conference - Orlando, 1997


The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Enrichment contains over 60 articles and/or posters addressing theoretical, ethical, and practical considerations of enrichment!


This proceedings is sold-out in hardcover and is no longer available.


This proceedings is not available in digital format at this time.


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2nd ICEE Conference - Copenhagen, 1995


A limited number of the Proceedings for the Second International Conference on Environmental Enrichment (Copenhagen, Denmark 1995) are available for purchase.The cost is DKK 200 per copy. Shipping and handling is included.Orders require prepayment transferred directly to: Jyske Bank,Valby Langgade 31, DK-2500 Valby, DENMARK.Send your Name, Organization, and Address (including Country) to: Bengt Holst, Copenhagen Zoo, Sdr. Fasanvej 79, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, DENMARK. e-mail:beh@zoo.dk.


Order form for the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental Enrichment.

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1st ICEE Conference - Portland, 1993


The proceedings for the First International Conference on Environmental Enrichment (Portland, Oregon 1993) was published under the title "Second Nature" by the Smithsonian Institute Press.


Ordering Information for the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Environmental Enrichment. Or order online from amazon.com books. Note: if you access Amazon.com from our website, we receive a modest donation.







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