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SHAPE -Sweden Current Activities & Conferences


The 5th SAZA and 1st Sweden Regional Environmental Enrichment Conference

3d September- 4th September 2012 at Skansen Zoo, Stockholm, Sweden


The Swedish Association of Zoos and Aquariums and Shape of Enrichment Sweden invite you to participate at SAZA's fifth and Shape of Enrichment Sweden's first environmental enrichment conference.

SAZA´s environmental enrichment group has since long quest also reformatted to a regional group within the international organization “Shape of Enrichment Inc.”, founded in 1991.

This is a unique opportunity and it is with tremendous pride that we present Valerie J. Hare as the champion of this conference!
Valerie J. Hare is a founding member of The Shape of Enrichment Inc. and has since 1991, devotedly worked to spread the organization's purpose. As both environmental enrichment consultant, workshop coordinator and lecturer in the subject on international and regional conferences she possesses invaluable knowledge and experience.

The 2012 years conference will be held in “Skanska Gruvan” at Skansen Zoo in Stockholm and will run from noon Monday, 3d of September and ends in the late afternoon on Tuesday 4th of September. The conference begins with a lecture on the basics of enrichment, but will mostly consist of lectures that take us deeper into the subject. Some preparation and knowledge is desirable, for example by reading the SAZA´s guidance in environmental enrichment. (Can be ordered from Linda Askelund, Skansen Zoo)

Accommodation: Each participant will have the opportunity to choose their own accommodations during the two conference days.
However, we have a limited number of rooms booked on "Nora Boden" at Skansen and “Hasselbacken”, neighbor to Skansen. The “First come,first served” principal is applied. There are also plentiful of cheap hotels and hostels in Stockholm. We are happy to help you to coordinate accommodation during the conference if you find obstacles in their path.

In that case please contact us as soon as possible!


Participation Fee: Thanks to donations from SAZA, we can keep a low registration fee of 1600 SEK.


Registration: For registration please contact Linda Askelund via email: linda.askelund@skansen.se. Last reporting and payment date is 10th of August 2012.



Linda Askelund, linda.askelund@skansen.se Phone +46 73-18 30 816


Kenneth Ekvall, kenneth.ekvall@skansen.se Phone +46 70-40 07 755


Stefan Jonsson, 6443@live.se Phone +46 76-8 90 47 88


Gülfi Kulbay, gulfidan.kulbay.shape@gmail.com Phone +46 70-044 07 08



NOTE: The conference and lectures will mainly be in English

Shape of Enrichment Sweden, in collaboration with SAZA and The Skansen Foundation



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