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We are now accepting applications for the $1000 Travel Grant to the 2011 ICEE conference in Portland, Oregon, USA!


To view the application (form and rules), in pdf or html formats, click on the links below.


$1000 Travel Grant Application (pdf format)

$1000 Travel Grant Application (html format)


$1000 ICEE Travel Grant General Information                


In 1999, in keeping with our mission statement of furthering enrichment efforts worldwide, The Shape of Enrichment, Inc. began offering a $1000 Travel Grant to be used to help the winning author attend the International Conference on Environmental Enrichment (ICEE). This money can only be used for travel, housing, registration, and food expenses associated with attending the ICEE. For information on past winners, click on the link below.


By prior agreement, the ICEE reserves a position in their program for our grant winner to present their winning paper. The presenter must comply with the time limits, format, proceedings submissions rules, etc. of The Shape of Enrichment and the ICEE.


Non-winning entries in the $1000 Travel Grant may submit their abstracts to the ICEE programmers for consideration. If they are accepted for presentation at the ICEE, these authors are required to notify our editors immediately upon acceptance.


Non-winning entries that will not be presented at the ICEE may be published in an upcoming issue of The Shape of Enrichment, at the editorŐs discretion.


Watch this site for information on applying for the next Travel Grant in 2011. The rules, application, and helpful hints will all be posted well before the deadline.


Past $1000 Travel Grant Winners

Helpful Hints

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